Not exactly new news but good anyway! Check your "use by" and "best by" and any other expiration-type dates. I tend to stockpile groceries when there's a good sale. However this can be a bad thing when you have company over and have to ask your husband to taste the croutons to make sure you're not going to kill anyone with passed the "best by" date croutons they might put on their salad. It is now 2008 (in case you didn't know)! :)
As always, check out
Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer for
more helpful tips.
Ha! I just ran into this problem the other day when we were going to a "pounding" for a new neighbor. A couple of things I was going to put in the bag were outdated, and I thought, "It's time to purge the pantry!"
Great idea! Also, if you check out allrecipes.com, they have a 'search by ingredient' feature. If you find a product in your pantry that you need to use up, this is a good site to use!
Thanks for the idea to post as WFMW! I just linked . . .
I ALWAYS use outdated stuff! Nobody has died here! Of course, meats I am picky about.
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