I received a Busy Mom's Bible from Zondervan to use and review. I must say that this Bible has a beautiful cover without being too frilly or girly. I was impressed by the look and feel when I took it out of the box. It is very easy to locate the devotional "sheets" (DS) inside the Bible because they are colored and thicker than the Bible text pages. Each DS is broken into four sections, two on each side, with a different theme on the page. For example, between the pages of 2 Chronicles 20:1 and 2 Chronicles 21:15, there is a DS with the theme of Raising Your Kids. The first topic of the DS is Repeat Daily and there is a 1 minute reading, a 5 minute reading that expands on the 1 minute, a 10 minute reading that expands on the 5 minute, and a Word to take with you - Repetition. The DS are spread throughout the Bible but it is noticeable that the DS are not spread evenly (there are no DS before Joshua 7 or after 1 Corinthians 5).
I enjoyed the short DS and felt the topics covered were diverse and satisfying. I liked that the 10 minute reading had more verses at the back of the Bible, it makes it easy to look at a certain topic and see more information about it such as Bullies (Ps. 147:6, Gen 37:1-28, Ps 109:1-5, 26-31, Lk 6:31). This way you wouldn't have to flip through to find the DS on that issue, but just flip to the back and find more verses for encouragement.
My Dislikes
1)Why choose NIV? Maybe it's just my church but we tend to read the ESV or NASB for Bible translations. I do believe the ESV is more accurate and fairly easy to read.
2)The DS can be distracting. I especially think if you were in the middle of a sermon on a text that lies next to the DS, you would be very tempted to begin reading the DS instead of paying attention to the Bible text and sermon. (But this is common with any Study/Devotional Bible.)
3)Placement and way the DS is laid out. It would be nice if the devotion was right across from the verse it is listing, so if you wanted you could look at context!
4)Bible text pages are very thin and there's quite a bit of "see-through" from the next/previous page (though this is typical with standard Bibles these days).
My recommendations to give as a gift
1)would make a nice Bible for a new Christian who is a mom (or one who other moms seek advice from)
2)would be good for a mom-to-be or very busy mom - easy to place the Bible in a place where she could catch snippets or read verses and DS, while doing other things (not to be gross but like the bathroom or rocking chair or breastfeeding area).
Thank you to Zondervan for the chance to review the Busy Mom's Bible.