Wednesday, October 3, 2007

WFMW - Backwards Day!

Help me! I hate to clean our stovetop. It's a gas stove (white no less!) with no pan drip thingies. I'm used to electric stoves where you can cover the pan drip thingies with tin foil (ok, aluminum foil) and then change that out once in a while. Anyway, back to the gas stove. I've contacted the company about using pan drip thingies and they say if it didn't come with it, you're not supposed to use them. Ugh. (I would post a picture of my stove, but I don't think I can get it to work, maybe later.) Does anyone have any great ideas? Anyone buck the system and put pan drip thingies down anyway??? I don't want to burn down my house. I've used magic erasers and it works pretty well but not completely. Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom, or cleaning stories, or what works for you, or hello, whatever you want to leave in the comments! :)

P.S. Any hints on getting a babyfeeder baby to take a bottle???


Robin said...

Wow, no drip pans... are you sure? I'd check the model and make sure they weren't left off. Our gas stove has drip pans. I clean using ammonia in a plastic bag and letting them soak for a while. The ammonia really works.

Amy said...

My husband swears by Formula 409 to clean our white, gas stove. The stove used to have drip pans, but they got messed up before we discovered 409 and we got rid of them. If you're really wanting to have drip pans, I would double-check with the manufacturer to make sure the model you have wasn't supposed to come with them.

As for bottlefeeding, I would suggest you 1) make sure the bottle has a wide-base, slow-flow ... um ... silicone end, (I've heard the rule of thumb is no more than one drop per second when you fill it with water) and 2) start with (or only use) expressed milk, rather than formula so she can adjust to just one new thing at a time.

Jeana said...

Try Soft Scrub to clean the stove. Let the detergent soak a few minutes, then scrub.

As for the babyfeeder baby :-) it helps if someone else offers the bottle, as mom=nurse. And try different bottles if the first one doesn't work. Or just inform the baby that those are husband pleasers.

Anonymous said...

magic eraser or wet it down with soapy water and soak for a little bit.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I had one of these stoves.
First, make sure that there isn't actually a drip pan - on gas stoves it is usually enameled, rectangular, and matches the stove. If you have 'em, they can go in the dishwasher.

Otherwise, you can use dishwasher powder as a scrub (use it like Comet) or I make a cheap and easy one:
1 c. baking soda, 1/2 c. borax, 1/2 c. salt. It's a great scrub and works well on crockpots too. I store it in an old salsa jar near the stove.

Another tried and true: baking soda and windex. Sprinkle baking soda on, squirt with windex or ammonia based spray, let sit for a while, scrub off.

Unknown said...

I'm trying to remember what I did with our gas stove (we've since moved). If you are talking about a drip pan and wanting to stop things from falling down under the burner, then it is very possible that you don't have drip pans.

Can you left up the front part of your stovetop? It would be sort of like a lid. If so, that would be the best way for you to clean out underneath. If that's the case, you should also be able to take out the "burner" part of the stove, and that can also go in the dishwasher.

As far as cleaning, anything that cuts grease should work well. I believe we use Comet spray or gel. But you know, vinegar works just as well. Spray, let it set, and then it should be easier to scrub. Oh, I also use a double sided sponge to scrub with.

If you have any questions, you can e-mail me at mghollis 38 at msn dot com.
