I haven't participated in this in a LONG time. But since I actually have a picture, I thought I'd post. My best deal over this last week (besides free diapers from L., thank you so much!), is probably 2 containers of .99 strawberries. Strawberries were on sale at Kroger 1.99 for 1 lb container. Not the greatest deal* (but the best advertised this week). However, when I went in there were several containers marked down to $.99. Yeah! I was planning to make strawberry shortcake but the kids and I devoured almost one whole container yesterday and will probably eat more today so we'll have to hold off on the strawberry shortcake. Lesson for you - keep your eyes peeled for those "manager's special" stickers at Kroger!! :)
Next best deal this week, at Meijer I was "trolling"** for coupons from the U-scan checkouts and found one that was badly mangled, $5 off $25 purchase. I just gave it to the friendly cashier and she took care of it for me - yeah!!
Feel like sharing or being inspired? Visit Super Savings Saturday at Money Saving Mom.
*When I went to Meijer their strawberries were $1.50 (but I paid less ha ha na na boo boo!). I like the lower prices at Meijer but their strawberries can be iffy sometimes. Usually their strawberries have to be eaten that day or the next, however the strawberries I previously bought at Kroger were much fresher and seemed to last longer.
**trolling (not sure if I made this up or read it elsewhere) - looking for coupons others have left, usually people will just lay them down on a shelf but sometimes the coupons are left intentionally at the self-checkout (no cashier to force them into your hand). I've also been known to dig through the trash can at Kroger (shh - don't tell anyone!). :)